[2023/10/22] Yay, ...

Yay, chemicals!
Image 1: 'Polaroid chief chemist Howard G Rogers and unidentified others as they pose with 5,000 bottles of chemical compounds used to discover the Polaroid color film process, 1963 '--s 250 --c 8 --w 8 --ar 2:3 --style raw
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[2023/10/22] remem ...

remember that game? I think at some point there was a cross-over with the Larry Laffer series
Image 1: Landscape pixel art reminiscent of classic point-and-click adventures like Maniac Mansion: Jesus confidently walks on water amidst pixelated waves. The scene is set during nighttime with a moonlit sky, and there are interface elements at the bottom, suggesting possible actions or items for the player.

[2023/10/22] I've ...

I've been a huge pixel art fan since the 80s. So Dall-E3 being so good at it is a dream come true!
Image 1: base prompt used in chatGPT: "create a pixel art image: the Ward in the Hospital at Arles, 1889, by Vincent Van Gogh"
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[2023/10/22] With ...

With the help of Dall-E3 I can now create custom coloring book art for my daughters to have fun with 🥳
Image 1: Coloring book page showcasing a unicorn and a tiger as they stand side by side below a large rainbow. The scene is rendered with bold lines, emphasizing the uniqueness of each creature and the beautiful backdrop, making it perfect for coloring.
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