[2023/10/03] ballo ...

Image 1: sleeping man with a balloon in his mouth, in the style of neo-traditional japanese, light red and light aquamarine, flickr, 1900–1917, illustrative storytelling, joseba elorza, everyday ephemera --ar 83:128
Image 2: japanese man with two balloons floating over him, in the style of victorian-inspired illustrations, light red and light indigo, flickr, 1900–1917, colorful still-lifes, sleepycore, fine attention to anatomy --ar 83:128
Image 3: japanese man with two balloons floating over him, in the style of victorian-inspired illustrations, light red and light indigo, flickr, 1900–1917, colorful still-lifes, sleepycore, fine attention to anatomy --ar 83:128
Image 4: japanese man with two balloons floating over him, in the style of victorian-inspired illustrations, light red and light indigo, flickr, 1900–1917, colorful still-lifes, sleepycore, fine attention to anatomy --ar 83:128