[2024/03/13] Using ...

Using --cref in a way it wasn't intended too 🤣

Prompts: landscape / dog / car (4th image is the referenced image)

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[2024/03/06] Diffe ...

Different degrees of Sisyphus

Prompt: 'by moebius, fine lines, sisyphus rolling a stone up a mountain'

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[2024/03/04] Space ...

Space Opera
Image 1: a comic ing various scenes of an accident, in the style of futuristic spacescapes, mike mignola, pointillist dot technique, desolate landscapes, installation-based, philippe druillet, light yellow and dark emerald --ar 92:125
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[2024/03/01] Some ...

Some word combinations simply generate pure gold.

Prompt: 'rocky horror muppet show, shot on pinhole camera'

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